Cognitive Computing
You may call it AI, chatbots, or robot-assisted customer support; the concept doesn’t change, cognitive computing will expand exponentially in 2019, and the companies who do it well will move ahead of the bunch.
You have probably already understood it can be tricky to tell whether you are working with a person or bot when you seek chat service online, at least for certain savvy retailers. And those eloquent experiences make a difference. I recently had an experience where a dispatch from Amazon was marked “delivered” but hadn’t been obtained. When I chatted with their support team, they immediately told me I was a valued customer and they quickly refunded me. There’s absolutely not any doubt in my mind, cognitive computing was doing this chat session. It immediately calculated how many problems I had and returned a $60 refund. I closed the chat in a minute or two, completely ready to buy from Amazon again. That is the value of cognitive computing in 2019.